
The Ski Sync trip registration and sign-up flow required a comprehensive redesign to enhance user experience, simplify the registration process, and ensure consistency for future design iterations. My role involved creating a robust design system, redesigning the registration flow, and improving the profile experience for managing trips post-registration.

Problem Statement

The existing Ski Sync trip registration and sign-up flow was cumbersome, leading to user frustration and high drop-off rates. The profile management interface lacked intuitiveness, making it difficult for users to manage their trips effectively. A redesign was necessary to address these issues and to build a scalable design system for future iterations.


Develop a Design System

Establish a comprehensive design system to ensure visual and functional consistency across all design iterations.

Simplify Registration Flow

Redesign the registration process to make it more user-friendly and reduce drop-off rates.

Enhance Profile Experience

Improve the profile interface to make trip management more intuitive and user-friendly.

User Interviews and Surveys

To gather insights and identify pain points, I conducted user interviews and surveys. Key findings included:

  • Users found the registration process too lengthy and complicated, leading to frustration and drop-offs.

  • The profile management interface was not intuitive, causing confusion and difficulty in managing trips.

  • Users wanted a more visually appealing and consistent design across the platform.

Competitive analysis

I analyzed the registration flows and profile management features of competitors to identify best practices and areas for improvement. This helped in understanding industry standards and setting benchmarks for the redesign.

Target Audience

  • Alex

    The Adventurous College Student

    Age: 20

    Occupation: Full-time Student

    Goals: Quickly and easily register for trips, find affordable options, manage trip details seamlessly

    Pain Points: Finds the current registration process too lengthy, struggles with understanding trip costs and options, finds the profile interface confusing

  • Jordan

    The Group Organizer

    Age: 22

    Occupation: Senior Student and Club President

    Goals: Efficiently register and manage trips for the student club, keep track of multiple group members and their preferences

    Pain Points: Struggles with managing multiple profiles, finds it difficult to coordinate and update trip details for a group, seeks a clear and organized interface

Information Architecture

To streamline the user experience, I restructured the information architecture:

Registration Flow

Simplified the steps by grouping related information and introducing clear progress indicators to guide users through the process.

Profile Management

Organized trip details, user settings, and support options into distinct sections for better navigation and ease of use.

User flows

We mapped out detailed user flows for both the registration process and the profile management experience to ensure a smooth and intuitive user journey.

Registration Flow User Journey

Landing Page: Users are introduced to the trip details and can start the registration process.

Personal Information: Users enter their basic personal details, such as name, email, and contact information.

Trip Selection: Users choose their preferred trip options, including dates, locations, and package details.

Payment: Users complete the payment process, with clear instructions and multiple payment options.

Confirmation: Users receive a confirmation message and an overview of their trip details.

Profile Management User Journey

Dashboard: Users view an overview of their registered trips and upcoming events.

Trip Details: Users can view and manage specific trip details, such as itinerary, accommodation, and transportation.

Settings: Users can update their personal information, preferences, and account settings.

Support: Users access help and support resources, including FAQs and contact information.

Design system

  • Selected a harmonious set of colors for branding and usability, ensuring accessibility.

  • Chose readable fonts and established a clear hierarchy for headings, subheadings, and body text.

  • Designed reusable components (buttons, forms, modals) to ensure uniformity across the platform.

  • Created a custom set of icons to enhance visual communication and improve navigation.

By harnessing the power of data-driven insights and iterative refinement, the design team ensured that badge and signal implementations were continuously optimized to maximize user engagement, conversion rates, and overall satisfaction within the eBay shopping cart and checkout experience.

Wireframes and Prototypes


I created low-fidelity wireframes to outline the structure and layout of the registration and profile pages. These wireframes were used to quickly iterate on design ideas and gather initial feedback.

High-Fidelity Prototypes

Using the design system, I developed high-fidelity prototypes to visualize the final look and feel of the redesigned flows. These prototypes included detailed interactions and animations to simulate the actual user experience.


I conducted usability testing with representative users to validate the redesign and gather feedback:

Task Completion Rate

Increased by 30%, indicating a more user-friendly registration process.

User Satisfaction

Improved significantly, with users praising the intuitive design and ease of use.


Iterative improvements were made based on user feedback, further refining the user experience

Final design

The final design was visually appealing, user-friendly, and consistent across all touchpoints. Key improvements included:

Streamlined Registration Flow

A simplified and intuitive registration process with clear progress indicators.

Enhanced Profile Management

An organized and user-friendly profile interface for managing trip details.

Consistent Design System

A robust design system ensuring design consistency and scalability for future iterations.

Conclusion & Lessons Learned


The redesign of the Ski Sync trip registration and sign-up flow resulted in a significant improvement in user experience. The new design system not only addressed current pain points but also laid a solid foundation for future enhancements. This project showcased my ability to lead a comprehensive UX redesign, from research and personas to information architecture, user flows, and the creation of a scalable design system.

Next Steps that would to be taken

Continuous User Research and Feedback

Ongoing User Interviews and Surveys

  • Conduct regular user interviews and surveys to gather continuous feedback on the current registration and profile management flows.

  • Implement a feedback loop to capture insights from new and returning users to identify any emerging pain points or areas for improvement.

Usability Testing

  • Schedule periodic usability testing sessions to observe real user interactions with the platform.

  • Use insights from these sessions to refine and enhance the user experience.

Data-Driven Iterations

Behavioral Analytics

  • Monitor and analyze user behavior data to identify patterns and trends.

  • Use tools like Google Analytics or Hotjar to track user interactions, drop-off points, and conversion rates.

A/B Testing

  • Conduct A/B tests on different design elements and features to determine what works best for users.

  • Use results to make data-driven decisions for iterative improvements.

Feature enhancements

Advanced Personalization

  • Introduce personalized recommendations for trips based on user preferences, past behavior, and demographic data.

  • Enhance the profile management system to offer more tailored options and suggestions.

Mobile Optimization

  • Optimize the registration and profile management flows for mobile devices to ensure a seamless experience across all platforms.

  • Conduct mobile-specific usability testing to address any mobile-related issues.


By strategically implementing badges and signals, eBay successfully enhanced its user experience, providing users with valuable information and increasing confidence in purchasing decisions. The project demonstrated the importance of thoughtful design and collaboration in creating a seamless and user-friendly online shopping experience.